FY-1A Satellite


  • 1st flight unit of the FY-1 series.
  • Main mission: operational meteorology.
  • Significant contribution to space weather.
Orbit Sunsynchronous orbit
Altitude 900 km
ECT 15:30 asc
Mass at launch 750 kg
Launch 1988-09-07
End of service 1988-10-16


Acronym Full name
MVISR  Multichannel Visible Infrared Scanning Radiometer
SEM  Space Environment Monitor

Data Circulation

Onboard stored data at reduced resolution and selected frames at full resolution are dowlinked by GDPT (Global Delayed Picture Transmission) to stations of the China National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC) in Beijing, Guangzhou and Urumqi.

Real-time broadcasting of full resolution data by the CHRPT (Chinese High Resolution Picture Transmission) to properly equipped (HRPT-like) local stations.



FY-1A launch.


First image by FY-1A.