FY-4A Satellite


1st flight unit of the FY-4 series.

Mission objectives:

  • Support nowcasting and severe weather warning.
  • Support NWP (numerical weather prediction), regional and global.
  • Support climate applications.
  • Support environment and disaster monitoring.
Orbit Geostationary orbit
Altitude 35786 km
Position 104.7°E
Mass at launch approx. 5400 kg
Power 3200 W
Launch 2016-12-11
End of service 2024-03-05


Picture Acronym Full name
AGRI AGRI  Advanced Geostationary Radiation Imager
GIIRS GIIRS  Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder
LMI LMI  Lightning Mapping Imager
SEP SEP  Space Environment Monitoring Instrument Package

Data Circulation

CDAS (Command and Data Acquisition Station) for real-time acquisition of the full information.

HRIT (High Rate Information Transmission) for near-real time broadcasting full resolution images.

LRIT (Low Rate Information Transmission) for broadcasting a selection of images and weather warning information.

DCS (Data Collection Service) to relay messages from self-timed DCP (Data Collection Platform).

Information flow of FY-4A data.


Instrument Datasets
AGRI L1 dataL2L3 productImage
GIIRS L1 dataL2L3 product
LMI L1 dataL2L3 product


FY-4A satellite

FY-4A satellite

First color image by FY-4A

First color image by FY-4A

First image by FY-4A AGRI

First image by FY-4A AGRI

Operational Parameters

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